
More than you wanted to know

My name is Péter Böröcz. I’m an actively retired technology manager and software developer.

Detailed Background

You can view my detailed resumé/curriculm vitae here


Content on this site is broken down into a few different sections based on my interests and activities:


Both short and long form commentary about current events, changes in the world since my early working days or projects I’m working on. These are broken down into the following areas:

  • Nano - Essentially tweets, i.e. short off-the-cuff observations and comments.

  • Micro - Short form text, either stand-alone or as part of the process of conversion to long-form (aka Macro) pieces. Usually less than 5 minutes to read.

  • Macro - Fully fleshed out long-form essays or projects (over 10 minute reads!)


Select pictures and descriptions of my more memorable bike and bikepacking rides.


Pictures and descriptions of some of the fun art pieces I’ve built.

Why Is The Site Named Flirting with Neutrality?

Many (many) years ago, my hour-long daily commute time was taken up with CNBC’s morning market coverage (specifically SquawkAlley). When markets were essentially unchanged (or flat in the vernacular), Bertha Coombs opined once that markets were “flirting with neutrality”.

I noted this wonderful aphorism at the time and it came back to me in the current climate. Specifically, a predilection to holding socially liberal but economically conservative views. Thus, not easily fitting anywhere on the classic Republican-Democratic spectrum (albeit leaning heavily small and large “D” democratic for the majority of policy issues).

Thus, Flirting with Neutrality it is!